Day 3 (23 Aug 2024)

DAY 3 – 23 AUGUST 2024 (FRIDAY)
Session 8
Plenary Talk 4
Grand Ballroom
Implementing Genomic Medicine Towards Universal Health Coverage for All People
Prof Vajira DissanayakeGenomic Diversity
Grand Ballroom

Discovering the biology of major psychiatric illness in India
Dr Biju Viswanath
ENIGMA’s Global Neuroimaging & Genomics Studies of 30 Brain Diseases: Lessons from India, China, Japan, & Pakistan
Dr Paul Thompson
The Mexican Biobank Project and Population Medical Genomics in Latin America
Dr Andres Moreno-Estrada
Teabreak Networking Session
Session 9
Research in LMICs
Grand Ballroom

Challenges and Opportunities for Genomics Research in Limited Resource Settings
Dr Eva Maria Cutiongco-de la Paz
Navigating Genetic Nephrology in LMICs
Dr Janewit Wongboonsin
Strategic Cohort Design for the Global South: Maximising Insights Whilst Minimising Costs
Prof Nicki Tiffin

Parallel Track 2: Lunch Time Industry Talk
Meeting Room

Presentation by Novartis
Newborn Screening for Rare Diseases - Current Landscape and Challenges in Singapore
Dr Ting Teck Wah
Presentation by Nightingale Health
Genetic and metabolomic determinants of disease at population scale
Dr Jeffrey BarrettParallel Track 3: Oral Presentations (Early Career Investigators)
Wisteria & Camellia VillaGenomic Insights into COVID-19 Susceptibility and Severity Among Singaporeans: A Multi-National Platform Initiative
Penny ChanDietary risk factors for visceral adiposity in multiethnic Asian population: An epidemiological and metabolomics study
Dr Theresia MinaUnderstanding Women's Preferences for Undergoing Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment
Dr Wang YiGenetic model predicts lifelong cardiometabolic risks in women.
Dr Pan HongSession 10
Parallel Track 1: From Cohorts to Data Validation
Grand Ballroom

Cohort data management and interpretation in an African setting
Prof Nicola Mulder
Qatar Biobank: From Cohort to Clinics - Validating Data Integrity Across the Healthcare Spectrum
Dr Fatima Qafoud
Gearing an entire country for precision medicine
Prof Andrew Morris
Parallel Track 2: Genetic Counselling & Community Engagement
Meeting Room

Genomics screening initiatives tailored for the Singaporean community
Ms Yasmin Bylstra
A cutting-edge translation program having impact in returning genomic research results
Ms Mary-Anne Young
Genetic Counselling Care Pathway in the Development of Mainstreaming Genetic Testing in Malaysia
Ms Yoon Sook Yee
Parallel Track 3: Industry Talk
Wisteria & Camellia Villa

Presentation by Twist Bioscience
Precision in Genomics: The flexibility and power of targeted sequencing
Ms Katie LarkinTeabreak Networking Session
Session 11
Parallel Track 1: Population Health
Grand Ballroom

The intersection of precision medicine and population health
Prof Tai E Shyong
Population genetics in an era of genomic health
Prof Eimear Kenny
What do we learn by studying biomarkers in diverse populations?
Dr Arash Etemadi
Parallel Track 2: Genomic Science in Cohorts
Meeting Room

A comprehensive exploration of the fully phased diploid Indian genome, unraveling its unique attributes within the Pan-Asian genetic landscape
Prof Liu Jian Jun
Large-scale cognitive health research in health and psychopathology
Dr Max Lam
A Catalogue of Structural Variation across Ancestrally Diverse Asian Genomes
Dr Nicolas Bertin